Galileo And What He Taught About Success

Way back in the 15th Century, Galileo postulated that any object falling to earth, fall at the same rate of time. So why do we see a feather falling slower than a cannonball? It’s because of the presence of Air Resistance. If there’s no air resistance, a dropped feather would reach the earth at the same time as a much heavier cannonball. He had difficulty explaining it for quite a long time. 4 centuries later with the current Technology it has been experimentally demonstrated.Watch the experiment here:

How does it relate to people’s lives and their successes and achievements? Every other day we hear of child geniuses. We also hear about people who taste success quite late in their lives, Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame) being one of them. He was in his early 60’s when he first franchised Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Like the feather, some people face a lot of ‘resistance’ to reach their ‘destination’ of success. Likewise, some people are like the cannonball and shoot quickly to fame.
So, if you face a lot of ‘resistance’ in your professional life, don’t be disheartened. Think of the feather and just keep floating!


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